Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Virginia

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Eye Exams for All Ages

Eye exams are an important part of preventive health care. We provide a thorough checkup for eyes of all ages, both to help everyone in your family see properly and to detect early signs of eye disease.

We prioritize taking the time to get to know you and your family and tailor our treatments to your unique needs. We’re happy to explain procedures or tests to help you feel comfortable.

Book your appointment and meet our friendly team today!

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How Often Do I Need an Eye Exam?

The American Optometric Association recommends that low-risk patients follow these guidelines at a minimum:

  • Adults ages 18 and up should have an eye exam yearly.

Patients with diabetes, high myopia, or other vision conditions should have more frequent examinations. We will work with you and your unique needs to determine the best exam schedule for your eyes.

Book your appointment today to keep on track with your eye health.

What Happens During an Eye Exam?

When you first walk into our practice, you’ll be greeted by our friendly team. If you’re a new patient, we’ll ask some questions about your health history, lifestyle, and current medications. We’ll discuss your family history, give you time to ask questions, and address any concerns.

Comprehensive eye exams are more than just a vision test. Our questions about your health and family history are designed to help us assess your risk factors for eye diseases or other vision conditions.

During the exam, we will carefully and thoroughly evaluate both the internal and external structures of the eye using modern technology. We will measure your visual acuity to determine whether you need corrective lenses, or if your prescription is up-to-date if you already have them.

We may also assess your color vision, how well the eyes work as a team, depth perception, and the way your pupils respond to light.

Book Your Appointment Today

Even if you think you have perfect vision, it’s still essential to have regular eye exams. Eye diseases can begin with few to no symptoms, so a comprehensive exam remains the best way to assess any early signs of eye disease.

Preserve your sight for years to come by booking a comprehensive eye exam today for every member of your family.

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Our Location


  • 1800 Peery Drive
  • Farmville, VA 23901
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  • 145 Hill Carter Parkway
  • Ashland, VA 23005
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Short Pump

  • 11400 West Broad Street
  • Glen Allen, VA 23060
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Ofrecemos Servicio en Español

En Future Sight Optometry, nos esforzamos por ofrecer atención para el cuidado de los ojos a pacientes de diferentes grupos etnicos y condiciones sociales. Es por eso que estamos encantados de ofrecer servicio en español para nuestros pacientes de habla hispana. El Dr. Fardink y su equipo siempre están buscando nuevas maneras de ser inclusivos, en la prestación de servicios para nuestros pacientes de habla hispana es uno de los grandes pasos de accesibilidad que hemos tomado.

Esperamos poder darle la bienvenida a nuestra clínica y ser su destino para el cuidado de los ojos en Ashland, Farmville, y Short Pump. Programe su cita hoy.

We Offer Service in Spanish

At Future Sight Optometry, we’re thrilled to offer service in Spanish for our Spanish-speaking patients. Dr. Fardink and his team are always looking for ways to be inclusive, and providing services for our Spanish-speaking patients is one of the accessibility steps we’ve taken.

We look forward to welcoming you to our practice and being your destination for eye care in Ashland, Farmville, and Short Pump. Schedule your appointment today.

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