Dry Eye Therapy in Virginia

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Dry Eyes? Let Us Help. 

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that affects millions of people, leading to discomfort, irritation, and potential vision impairment. Finding the right solution for this condition is important to maintaining visual clarity and overall well-being. 

Book your appointment with us today to experience modern, compassionate eye care.

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What Causes Dry Eye?

Dry eye has a number of causes, some of which include issues in the tear film, like insufficient tear production, rapid tear evaporation, or an imbalance in the composition of tears. These factors can lead to a compromised surface of the eye. Discomfort typically follows, with feelings of irritation, redness, and burning among the most common symptoms.

Symptoms of Dry Eye

Dry eye presents a range of uncomfortable symptoms, including but not limited to irritation, redness, a sensation of grittiness, blurry vision, sensitivity to light, and excessive tearing. These symptoms can significantly impair daily activities and reduce overall quality of life.

Who Can Get Dry Eye + Contributing Factors

Dry eye can affect anyone. Environmental factors like dry or windy climates, prolonged screen time, exposure to smoke, and certain medications can exacerbate the condition. Understanding these risk factors is important when we’re looking at how to develop effective prevention strategies and treatment plans for each patient.

For Patients with Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a progressive eye condition that results in the thinning and bulging of the cornea, leading to distorted vision and potential visual impairment. For individuals with keratoconus, finding the right vision correction can be a challenge. However, we offer a range of specialty contact lenses tailored to address the unique needs of those with this condition. 

These specialty contacts are designed to provide improved visual acuity and comfort, allowing individuals with keratoconus to enjoy clearer vision and enhanced quality of life. The team at Future Sight Optometry can help you find an option to meet your specific visual requirements.

Find Dry Eye Relief with Us Today

If you’re struggling with the discomfort of dry eye syndrome, don’t let it affect your daily life any longer. Reach out to our team today to learn more about our dry eye treatments. Take the first step toward clearer, more comfortable vision by scheduling a consultation now.

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Our Location


  • 1800 Peery Drive
  • Farmville, VA 23901
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  • 145 Hill Carter Parkway
  • Ashland, VA 23005
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Short Pump

  • 11400 West Broad Street
  • Glen Allen, VA 23060
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Ofrecemos Servicio en Español

En Future Sight Optometry, nos esforzamos por ofrecer atención para el cuidado de los ojos a pacientes de diferentes grupos etnicos y condiciones sociales. Es por eso que estamos encantados de ofrecer servicio en español para nuestros pacientes de habla hispana. El Dr. Fardink y su equipo siempre están buscando nuevas maneras de ser inclusivos, en la prestación de servicios para nuestros pacientes de habla hispana es uno de los grandes pasos de accesibilidad que hemos tomado.

Esperamos poder darle la bienvenida a nuestra clínica y ser su destino para el cuidado de los ojos en Ashland, Farmville, y Short Pump. Programe su cita hoy.

We Offer Service in Spanish

At Future Sight Optometry, we’re thrilled to offer service in Spanish for our Spanish-speaking patients. Dr. Fardink and his team are always looking for ways to be inclusive, and providing services for our Spanish-speaking patients is one of the accessibility steps we’ve taken.

We look forward to welcoming you to our practice and being your destination for eye care in Ashland, Farmville, and Short Pump. Schedule your appointment today.

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